Introducing the volunteer staff of Treasure Art V - 2018.
Debi Oulu - Founder, Manager
Debi Oulu has been creatively developing this project for the past five years. "I love exploring Art as a language, and this project investigates how we converse through art. It is my goal that this project will increase appreciation of art and artists, as well as community. Oulu is a full time interactive artist.
Kalia Pissaro-stern - Curator
Kalia has been with Treasure Art from the beginning, her skill as a curator is as awsome as her personality. She is currently combining fashion and art with her unique creativity and amazing skill.
Keren Segal - Assistant Curator, General Assistance
Keren has been one of the participating artists in Treasure Art since the beginning. In addition to being doing street art, drawing and painting lessons, she also has produced a group exhibition this year and is planning on producing more.

Daniel Klein (fox) - Game design and production
KISS DRY ("Keep it Simple, Stupid" and "Don't Repeat Yourself") are two of his many mottos, and that's what he does. fox has an uncanny ability to grasp a complex situation and come up with simple clear cut solutions. It's super nice having him on our game team this year... Daniel is getting rid of any bugs we may have had in the past, and making sure that your game experience this year is more streamlined and fun!

Adi Sasson
Dina gives tours and lectures about street art in Tel Aviv. She is also one of the artists participating in the exhibition.
Michal is a lead Game designer in the entertainment and educational sectors. Loves to work on experimental projects that research the form of PLAY.

Niso Cohen - expert clue maker
Niso is a licensed Tour guide, who has already made a few interactive games in Jaffa. He joined the gaming team this year to help us find some interesting spots to hide the coins, with some new clues...

Maayan Oulu - UX designer
Maayan is making sure that our registration and game procedures work as smoothly as possible for the participants.
Ofek will be joining us this year as an artist and one of our team photographers. Her work speaks for itself.
Ori is an actor, a director, and a creator of alternative theater. His most current project is an innovative interactive theater called, "Crime Pays". We are super lucky to have him auctioning off the art pieces in his most obnoxious way possible.
This amazing venue opened thier doors to host Treasure Art this year. Thanks to them, we are able to move the game this year from Florentine to Jaffa.
Burning Man Arts Grant
Treasure Art V is supported in part by a grant from Burning Man.